College Drinking Stats is a snapshot of annual high-risk college drinking consequences.
NU Directions is a campus-community coalition to reduce high-risk drinking among University of Nebraska students, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation as one of the “A Matter of Degree” programs and administered by the American Medical Association.
The Hazelden Foundation provides information and treatment for alcohol and drug related addictions.
The Harvard School of Public Health has been studying alcohol use on college campuses since 1993. They have been following the “A Matter of Degree” program at 10 colleges and universities since 1997.
AboveTheInfluence offers games, free downloads, quizzes, photos, podcasts and important info about dealing with pressures in your life.
B4UDrink is an interactive program developed to educate the user about how alcohol consumption affects an individual’s Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC).
Alcohol Information Center is a list of numerous resources on alcohol related topics.